Creative Writing

Semester Assessment -- Portfolio

Text Box: No! Do not select all your workÑjust 3-6 pieces that best show your learning.


A portfolio is a showcase of significant work. Your portfolio will:

--demonstrate your achievement in this class

--(with presentation) earn your exam credit: 20% of semester grade


1. PRIOR TO EXAM DAY: Choose portfolio contents

Choose 3 to 6 pieces of work that illustrate your learning, and bring them to class on exam day. More pieces generally show more learning, which generally leads to a better grade. Categories to choose from (you may also invent one category of your own, and you may have more than one work in a category):

best work overall

learned the most

personally meaningful

shows improvement

tried something new

would do differently  if i could


2. PRIOR TO EXAM DAY: Write portfolio statement neatly in ink, or typed, doublespaced.

A. Write a paragraph summarizing the overall content of this class.

B. Write at least one paragraph per assignment included in your portfolio. Be sure to:

--clearly identify the assignment

--identify the portfolio category (above)

--explain the learning process that went into the assignment

--include anything else that reflects on your learning

C. Write a paragraph summarizing your reaction to the class, emphasizing aspects you expect to remember or use in the future.


3. PRIOR TO EXAM DAY: Compile portfolio

Use manila or other folder; please, no plastic strip binders (the strip can slide off!).

On top: portfolio statement

Next: the assignments, in the order they are discussed in your statement.

To include a project that had no written component (such as a speech, video, or group activity), write a paragraph describing the work. Title the paragraph with the assignment name and include it in your portfolio with the other written assignments.


4. EXAM DAY: Portfolio presentations (1-2 minutes)

Read aloud a brief segment from one of your best works. Share a few highlights from your portfolio statement. (DO NOT simply read from your statement, but talk about what you have written.)


Portfolios must be ready to turn in by start of first presentation.