Terms Definitions Grade Standards
irony the contrast between what appears to be and what actually is  9 English - Literature
mythology a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered 9 English - Literature
theme the authorÕs statement about life or the underlying meaning in a literary work 9 English - Literature
literary device a tool an author uses when creating literature, such as:symbolism, allusion, imagery, characterization, etc. 10 English - Literature
stereotyping regarding one as conforming to a set image or type 10 English - Literature
symbolism the use of an object, person, place or event to stand for something more profound than its literal meaning in a piece of literature 10 English - Literature
evidence anything that is used to determine or demonstrate a truth of an assertion 12 English - Literature
literary criticixm the study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature 12 English - Literature
parody a work that imitates the serious materials and manner of a particular work, or the characteristic style of a particular author 12 English - Literature
Media Lit      
copyright the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, 9 English - Media Lit
expository to explain, examine, inform or discuss any given topic using details and information in writing 9 English - Media Lit
media literacy the ability to read, analyze, and critically evaluate info presented in a variety of formats 9 English - Media Lit
persuasive to persuade an audience to agree with the information presented in writing 9 English - Media Lit
plagiarism the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. 9 English - Media Lit
appeal the request a form of media is making of its audience 10 English - Media Lit
bias favoring (and sometimes only showing) one side of an issue or argument 10 English - Media Lit
Cone Effect theory that constructed media reality is based on real life and represented in a heightened or exaggerated fashion 10 English - Media Lit
constructed in media, the idea that all messages and images are created; they are not reality, all elements are carefully chosen 10 English - Media Lit
ethics personal guidelines for good/bad or right/wrong 10 English - Media Lit
logical fallacy false methods of reasoning; far removed from facts or conclusions based on too few facts 10 English - Media Lit
mass media wide dispersal of a message to a large audience (i.e. news, internet, tv, billboards) 10 English - Media Lit
target audience groups of people who are more likely to be receptive to a particular type of media used so that the media can present info in a way that would gain or guarantee an audience 10 English - Media Lit
Connection Ð connect new information to prior knowledge-    connect text to text 9 English - Reading
Context clues Ð Using text to determine meaning 9 English - Reading
Lifelong Reader Incorporate reading into life 9 English - Reading
Prediction - stating possible outcomes with support from the material 9 English - Reading
Purpose Setting Establishing a purpose for reading and adjusting accordingly 9 English - Reading
Comparative Reading Ð Read and compare information from different sources 10 English - Reading
Inference Ð Reading Òbetween the linesÓ using evidence from the literary work 10 English - Reading
Paraphrase Ð Restating relevant information 10 English - Reading
Strategy selection Applying strategy that works for the situation/text 10 English - Reading
Summarize Ð Identify main ideas and supporting details 10 English - Reading
Fluency Ð Rate and prosody 11 English - Reading
Metacognition Ð Monitoring oneÕs own comprehension 11 English - Reading
Text features Ð Organization of text 11 English - Reading
Auditory clues Ð Interpreting emphasis, dialogue, dialect in materials 12 English - Reading
Morphology Ð Smallest unit of a word with meaning 12 English - Reading
10 Ability to choose appropriate text/information All English - Reading
Speaking & Listening      
connotation opinions, attitudes, and emotions that individuals associate with a word 9 English - Speaking & Listening
denoation the dictionary definition of a word 9 English - Speaking & Listening
nonverbal communicating without words 9 English - Speaking & Listening
feedback the information the audience gives a speaker about their message 10 English - Speaking & Listening
evidence/proof: facts, examples, etc. to back up a point 9 English - Writing
Thesis (n.) a proposition to be maintained or defended in argument 9 English - Writing
cite/citation/documentation/authority: giving credit for ideas and quotations used from different sources 10 English - Writing
MLA/APA: The Modern Language Association or the American Psychological Association. These are two of the main styles of citing and documenting information in research writing. The MLA is used mostly by the humanities (including English Language Arts), while the APA is used in the social studies 10 English - Writing
Narration (n.) 1. the telling of a story or giving an account of happenings in writing or in speech 2. Writing or speaking that tells Ð as history, biography or fiction 10 English - Writing
Narrative (n.) a story, an account or tale 10 English - Writing
Narrator (n.) someone who relates a story 10 English - Writing
Research writing: writing based on facts gathered from multiple sources; the information is then organized and presented with the writer's own original thoughts and interpretations. 10 English - Writing
Persuade (v.) to cause someone to do something especially by reasoning, urging or inducement, to prevail upon, convince Ð influencing a person to an action, belief by an overt appeal to his emotions or reason after some coaxing, pleading and arguing 11 English - Writing
Artistic Process: The philosophy that theatre is an art form and just like any art, the learning is in the journey to the end, not the end itself. All Theatre
Audition: The process of "trying" out for a play. There are many types of auditions. All Theatre
Blocking: The movements of the characters across and around the stage. There are several ways to "block" a play and rehearsal designed solely around blocking the character's movements. All Theatre
Intention: the character's wants and desire; an actor must have intention in order to honestly portray a character. All Theatre
Lighting: Used to set the scene, mood, and illuminate the stage and the actors. All Theatre
Method Acting: Introduced by Stanislavski where an actor remembers emotions from his/her own life and uses these experiences to draw on the emotions of his/her character. All Theatre
Monologue: A lengthy speech given my one character. There may be other characters on stage, but the focus is on the character giving the monologue. All Theatre
The Magic "If": The actor asks him/herself, "What would I do if I were in this situation?" An idea created by Stanislavski. The Magic If is the ability to pretend! All Theatre
Timing: The rhythm of a production. The synchronizing of the various parts of a production for theatrical effect. All Theatre
Vision: The ideas of the director; the intentions for the production. Lighting, sound, and set designers use the director's vision to create their designs. All Theatre